Lately we are experiencing many situations where the overseas owner of an approval certificate fails to renew it before expiry leaving Australian importers with unapproved stock on hand. Although there may be cost advantages to have your “brand” and “model numbers” added to the factory owned approval certificate, there are considerable risks involved with this strategy.
Our advice is to ensure that you diarise the expiry date of the main certificate (not the modification) and 6 months before expiry ask the manufacturer if they intend on renewing it. The 6 month window gives us time here at QEC Global to have testing any necessary performed before a new application can be made on your behalf.
If the factory does not renew the certificate, you will also have the issues of old approval numbers marked on stock on hand. We suggest that the RCM be used in all instances now as it is the required approval mark.
All work performed by QEC Global on your behalf is automatically part of our follow-up infrastructure we call “Parasol”; and you will be reminded of imminent certificate expiry as part of our normal service to you.