EESS registrations by Responsible Suppliers.
If you import and first sell “in-scope” electrical equipment in Australia then you are defined as a “responsible supplier”. You have a responsibility to register your company details on the ERAC website, and also to upload details of your Level 3 (declared articles) and Level 1 (non-declared) articles. The equipment also must be marked with the RCM logo. This logo shows that the equipment meets the requirements of the safety system and the EMC regulations. This system has been in place on a mandatory basis for some years now, but perusal of the public database shows it is not fully utilised. Have you updated your product and company registration? Many buyers are using the public database now as a tool to ensure the products they buy from you are registered and approved.
Handy Hint: Level 3 product registrations currently only need to be initially registered for 12 months, until such time as the scheme is fully up and running. During this transition period, you only need to register your level 3 equipment for 12 months and the system will not ask for renewal. But note the default registration period in the drop-down box is set for 2 years. Ensure you change this to 12 months when making your level 3 product registrations. For assistance with the ERAC/ EESS registrations, and any other questions regarding ERAC issues, use this email address and phone number or (07) 3405 6763